Gear Hub: Tailwind Nutrition

Jeff Vierling of Durango found himself puking muesli out of a bucket in the midst of his training for the Leadville 100 — a moment he recalls as Tailwind Nutrition’s humble beginning. Fed up with fueling issues hijacking the fruits of his training, Vierling and his wife Jenny set out to craft their own endurance product that would spare athlete’s guts, was easy to use and had the taste and texture that would propel them to the finish line. 

The science behind Tailwind concludes it’s the optimal combination of fuel, hydration and electrolytes for endurance athletes — plus, it won’t turn your stomach into a brick. The easy-to-use powder transforms water into a clean and tasty athletic beverage, no grime or weird aftertaste. It’s designed to overcome the nutrition problems faced by endurance athletes in events like 50-milers, 100-milers, 24-hour and multi-day epics. 

The Endurance Fuel and Rebuild Recovery both offer benefits to any intense workout. The Endurance Fuel is designed as a mid-race pick me up, while the Rebuild supplies the carbohydrates, protein and electrolytes needed to restore the body. It is recommended to use the Rebuild no more than 30 minutes after your workout. 

The Endurance Fuel comes in four caffeinated and four regular flavors. The Rebuild Recovery comes in chocolate, vanilla or caffeinated coffee. 

As an active yoga teacher who is not an endurance athlete, my favorite way to consume Tailwind Nutrition was by blending the Caffeinated Coffee Rebuild into my banana and almond milk smoothie after a hot and rigorous hike. 

To use in combination with other foods, it is recommended to reduce Tailwind intake by the calories you’re consuming elsewhere to avoid overloading the gut. For shorter workouts (less than two hours), you can use less Tailwind to taste.

The fuel was sustainable and delicious, and kept me incredibly powered all day long. I’m excited to really dig into the Endurance Fuel on a 14er hike this summer, social distancing guidelines permitting. 

Tailwind has lowered their prices for the month of April to accommodate athletes looking to train (and stay sane) in spite of financial impacts from the pandemic. Plus, they’re donating Tailwind to hospitals all across the country to support healthcare workers and patients by offering a complete nutrition source that can be easily and safely consumed throughout 12-plus hour shifts. They've also launched a Buy One, Donate One” campaign, where Tailwind will match each single serving pack you purchase and donate both of them to a hospital in need.

As we move into the new season of summer, adventure awaits. Tailwind Nutrition offers an inspiring opportunity to test your limits and get outdoors, knowing you’ll be properly fueled by their product.  

Tailwind Starter Kit $29

Lexi ReichGear